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Payments and transfers to cards

Выплаты и переводы на карты
If your business is related to transfers to customers or employees, then the Payments to Cards or Bulk Payments service is what you need! They will help simplify the process of sending payments and save time.
Payments and transfers to cards

Advantages of accepting payments from cards

The process of receiving funds is simple and convenient for the recipient, just like regular card-to-card transfers.
We have a PCI DSS security certificate to ensure that funds can be sent to an unlimited number of recipients.
The company does not need to collect and store payment data on its own. All data is stored on a secure server.
The payout service is useful to
Online schools
Advertising and blogging agencies
Companies working with freelancers or agents
Pawnshops and microfinance organizations
Lotteries and gambling
Companies that receive donations, pay cashbacks and other rewards
How it works
The company specifies the desired payment amount, generates a link, and sends this link to the recipient.

The recipient clicks on the link to the payment form, enters his card details and immediately receives the money.
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Payments and transfers to cards
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