4.3.11. Immediately inform the Organization of any cases of compromise (or suspicions of compromise) of information on card details and Payments made using them through the Organization’s System that become known to the Company.
4.3.12. To generate a fiscal receipt certificate for the Company, in the personal account of the Company, located on the website of the State Tax Committee at mysoliq.uz, indicate the Organization as a commission agent, in the manner specified in Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
4.3.13. In the event that the Company decides to exclude information from the personal account on the mysoliq.uz website about the fact that the Organization is the Company's commission agent, notify the Organization at least 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the date of making such changes.
4.3.14. If the Company fails to include information that the Organization is the Company's commission agent and/or its exclusion from the personal account on the mysoliq.uz website, and the Organization incurs any financial obligations, penalties and/or any liability to third parties, state and non-state bodies and organizations in connection therewith, reimburse the Organization for the expenses incurred, losses, and also pay the Organization a fine in the amount of 10% of the amount of expenses and losses incurred by the Organization.
4.4. The Company may:
4.4.1. Use the System and its Services in any accessible and permitted manner.
4.4.2. Access the System in any convenient manner permitted by the System.
4.4.3. Request from the Organization any information regarding accepted Payments using cards through the Organization's System in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Information shall be provided by the Organization taking into account the requirements and restrictions established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
4.4.4. During the term of the Agreement, place the trademark (service mark) of the Organization in all types of advertising and information items related to the execution of the Agreement, having previously notified the Organization of this and received the written consent of the Organization.
4.4.5. Place on the website of the Online Store the System logo and the corresponding hypertext link to the Organization's website (and/or the Payment System's website, if such a requirement exists), with a description of the conditions for making Payments through the System, to which Payers must have access.
5. Chargeback, Refunds to the Payer
5.1. In the event that the Organization/Bank receives a Chargeback request, the Organization shall submit a written request (in hard or electronic form) to the Company to provide documents confirming the fulfillment of obligations to supply goods/works/services.
5.2. The Company shall provide the Organization with the documents requested by the Organization in accordance with the terms of the Agreement within 2 (two) business days from the date of receipt of such request.
5.3. In the absence of the documents from the Company required for submission to the Organization/Bank in accordance with paragraphs 5.1, 5.2 of the Agreement, or in the event of their failure to submit them within the period specified in paragraph 5.2 hereof, or in the event that the Company agrees with the fact of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Company of its obligations to the Payer, or in the event that the Transaction is indisputably recognized by the IPS/Bank as fraudulent, the Organization, at its own expense, shall return the Transaction amount to be returned to the Payer, and subsequently withhold this amount from the funds to be transferred to the Company’s account. The Company hereby expresses its consent to the withholding by the Organization of the Transaction amount returned by the Organization or the Bank to the Payer from the funds to be transferred to the Company’s account.
5.4. The Organization's crediting of funds to the Company's account under Transactions does not mean final and indisputable recognition of the authorized nature of such Transactions. Such Transactions may be recognized as unauthorized in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Agreement and/or the IPS rules. The Company hereby assumes all risks associated with the possible recognition of the Transaction as fraudulent and shall unconditionally return the money to the Organization in the event that the Organization receives a Chargeback.
5.5. In the event that the Bank or Organization identifies Transactions, the authorization of which raises suspicions in the Bank or Organization, the Organization may suspend Payments for goods/works/services in the Online Store of the Company using cards through the Internet Payment System of the Organization and the crediting of funds to the account of the Company for such Transactions. The crediting of funds shall be suspended for the period of investigation of the authorized nature of the Transactions, but not more than 180 (one hundred eighty) calendar days from the date of the Transaction.
5.6. In the event that the IPS recognizes the unauthorized nature of Transactions prior to the assignment of sanctions to the Bank or the IPS Organization, the Organization may, in order to ensure execution, not to transfer amounts to the Company’s account for unauthorized Transactions.
5.7. If, prior to the expiration of terms stipulated by the requirements of the IPS for the assignment of sanctions on Transactions, such sanctions are assigned, the Organization shall reimburse the IPS for the amounts of unauthorized Transactions at the expense of the Company.
5.8. If, upon expiration of the terms stipulated by the requirements of the IPS for the assignment of sanctions on Transactions, such sanctions are not assigned to the Organization, or if the IPS recognizes the authorized nature of Transactions, the amounts for which are withheld by the Organization in accordance with this clause of the Agreement, the Organization shall return the withheld funds to the Company’s account.
5.9. If the amount of Chargeback exceeds 1 (one) % of the amount of all Transactions in relation to the Company preceding the date of exceeding the specified percentage, the Organization may suspend the processing of Transactions (including crediting funds to the Company’s accounts) for a period of up to 180 (one hundred eighty) calendar days.
5.10. If the information is reflected in the IPS reports on questionable card transactions and/or the amount of Chargeback on the Company's transactions exceeds 5 (five) % of the amount of all transactions of the Company for one year, the Organization may stop processing the Company's transactions, including crediting money to the Company's account.
6. Responsibility of the Parties
6.1. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment by the Organization of its obligations in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.1.5 hereof, the Company shall have the right to demand payment of a penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 0.1 (one tenth) % of the amount of remuneration specified in the Service completion certificate for the billing month for each day of delay, but not more than 10 (ten) % of such amount.
6.2. In the event of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment by the Company of its obligations in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.8 and 3.9 hereof, the Organization shall have the right to demand payment of a penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 0.1 (one tenth) % of the amount of remuneration specified in the Service completion certificate for each day of delay, but not more than 10 (ten) % of such amount.
6.3. The amounts of penalties provided for by the Agreement shall be paid by one Party within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant notification and invoice from the other Party whose rights have been violated by the failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations.
6.4. Payment of the penalty does not release the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement.
6.5. The collection of penalties, fines and forfeits is the right, but not the obligation, of the Parties.
6.6. The Company shall be fully liable to the Organization for the actions of persons having access to the Online Store management, in relation to Payments made through the Organization’s System in violation of the requirements of the Agreement, as well as for actions directed against the Organization and the Settlement Participants.
6.7. The Organization shall be fully liable to the Company for the actions of persons having access to the System management, in relation to Payments made through the Organization’s System in violation of the requirements of the Agreement, as well as for actions directed against the Settlement Participants.
6.8. The Company shall be liable for any actual damages caused to the Organization and third parties as a result of the Company’s failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement and the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in carrying out its activities, including carrying out activities through the Organization’s System.
6.9. The Organization shall be liable for actual damages caused to third parties and the Company as a result of its failure to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the implementation of its activities, including the implementation of activities through its own System.
6.10. The Organization shall not be liable in the event of disagreements and disputes between the Company and the Payer regarding goods/works/services sold by the Company.
6.11. The Organization shall not be liable for any disruptions in the operation of hardware, software, power supply systems and data transmission systems that arise through no fault of the Organization.
6.12. The Organization shall not be liable for the content of information provided by the Company for placement on the information materials and resources of the Company and payment services.
6.13. If the Organization incurs any losses due to the actions or inactions of the Company in connection with claims submitted by Payers due to the Company’s failure to fulfill its obligations to Payers, the Company shall compensate for such damages in full.
6.14. In the event that the Company incurs any actual losses related to the actions or inactions of the Organization due to improper and/or untimely fulfillment by the Organization of its obligations to the Company, the Organization shall compensate for these losses in full.
6.15. In the event that the Organization incurs any actual losses related to the action or inaction of the Company due to improper and/or untimely fulfillment by the Company of its obligations to the Organization, the Company shall compensate for these losses in full.
6.16. The Parties shall be liable for the disclosure or loss of confidential information specified in Section 8 hereof (Confidentiality), in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
6.17. The Organization shall not be liable for any delay in the transfer of remuneration to the Company if such delay is caused by untimely written notification to the Organization of a change in the details of the Company specified by the Company in Section 15 of this Agreement (Details of the Parties), as well as in the event of a violation by the Company of the terms and conditions hereof.
6.18. The Organization shall not be liable for any disputes or disagreements arising between the Company and Payers regarding Payments made using cards through the Company's online store, related to failures in the operation of the software and electronic communication channels used by the Company when making the above Payments, as well as in situations related to the Company's provision of information security when making these Payments, and in other situations arising through the fault of the Company.
6.19. The Company shall compensate the Organization for any losses incurred by the Organization if such losses were related to the sale of goods/works/services of the Company that are prohibited from sale by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and prohibited from sale via the Internet in accordance with the Rules of the International Payment Systems.
6.20. If the actions of the Company result in losses (including actual losses and lost profits) and/or damage to the business reputation of the Organization, the Company shall compensate the Organization for the losses/damages caused, the amount of which shall be specified in the written claim submitted by the Organization and may be adjusted by an agreement signed by both Parties. The Organization and the Company shall, in each individual case, stipulate the procedure for compensation by the Company to the Organization for losses and/or damage to the business reputation of the Organization - by deduction from the amounts due to the Company or by payment as per invoice issued by the Organization. The Organization may suspend settlements under the Agreement until the claims provided for in this clause of the Agreement are settled.
7. System Support
7.1. The Organization shall provide the system support during the entire term hereof.
7.2. The Company shall formulate the problem and send a request to the Organization's email address: info@freedompay.uz.
7.3. Within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the receipt of the above request, the Organization shall send to the Company’s email a notification about the acceptance of the request for execution and the relevant deadlines.
7.4. The support does not include training of the Company's personnel in the use of the System. For training purposes, use the user manual located on the Organization's website.
8. Confidentiality
8.1. The Parties will not disclose information received during the execution of the Agreement that is confidential for each of the Parties. Confidential information in the Agreement means information that is not publicly available, the disclosure of which may lead to losses and/or affect the business reputation of any of the Parties, including information about Payers, Payments, transaction volumes, information about the tariffs and pricing policies of the Parties.
8.2. The fact of the conclusion of the Agreement and the subject of the Agreement shall not be deemed confidential information.
8.3. The Parties will not disclose the information specified in paragraph 8.1 hereof to third parties, with the exception of responsible persons of the Parties authorized to receive and transmit information on behalf of each of the Parties in connection with the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.
8.4. Confidential information may be provided to third parties only in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to the Organization's partners for the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement or by prior written agreement with the Party whose information may be disclosed (with a detailed description of the nature of the information, indication of the third party, purposes, reasons and other material points relating to such information).
8.5. In the event of termination of the Agreement, the Parties shall not disclose or use in their own interests and/or the interests of third parties the information specified in paragraph 8.1 of the Agreement for 1 (one) year from the date of termination of the Agreement.
9. Force Majeure
9.1. The Parties shall not be liable for failure to perform or improper performance of obligations hereunder, if such failure was caused by force majeure (fire, flood, earthquake, etc.), deliberate actions of third parties, changes in applicable legislation, as well as decisions of state bodies, provided that these circumstances were beyond the reasonable control of the Parties and made it impossible for either Party to perform its obligations under the Agreement.
9.2. The deadline for fulfilling obligations under the Agreement shall be extended proportionally to the time during which the force majeure circumstances were in effect.
9.3. Either Party, for which the violation of the obligation was caused by the force majeure circumstances, shall notify the other Party in writing of the occurrence and termination of force majeure circumstances within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of occurrence/termination of the force majeure circumstances.
9.4. The documents issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan serve as evidence of the existence and duration of force majeure circumstances.
9.5. Failure to notify or untimely notification deprives the Party of the right to refer to any of the above circumstances.
9.6. If the failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 9.1 hereof lasts for more than 2 (two) calendar months, then each Party shall be able to terminate the Agreement unilaterally, notifying the other Party thereof no later than 10 (ten) calendar days prior to the expected date of termination of the Agreement.
9.7. The Parties acknowledge that the insolvency of the Parties is not a circumstance of indeterminate force majeure.
9.8. When connecting the service for generating a fiscal receipt certificate of the Company for transfer to the State Tax Committee (STC), the Organization shall not and cannot bear responsibility for any failures and/or disruptions in the operation of the STC systems and services, which make it impossible to transfer the Company’s fiscal receipt.
10. Orders and Notifications
10.1. Messages sent by e-mail specified in the Agreement shall be recognized as having legal force equivalent to documents on paper if they are sent, delivered and received by responsible persons of the Parties from the e-mail addresses specified in Section 15 of the Agreement (Details of the Parties).
11. Agreement Termination Consequences
11.1. The obligations to accept Payments by the Organization in favor of the Company shall cease upon termination or suspension of the Agreement.
11.2. If the basis for termination of the Agreement is a material breach thereof by one of the Parties, the other Party may demand compensation for actual causal damage, subject to the availability of supporting documents.
11.3. The monetary obligations of the Parties, as well as the obligations determining the liability of the Parties for violation of the Agreement, shall remain in force until their full fulfillment.
12. Duration and Procedure for Termination and Modification of Agreement.
12.1. The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signing by both Parties and shall remain valid indefinitely.
12.2. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by either Party, subject to prior notice to the other Party 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the expected date of termination and subject mutual settlements made by the Parties. The Parties shall reconcile settlements and pay off monetary obligations identified as a result of the reconciliation within no more than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Agreement Termination Notice, after which the Agreement shall be deemed terminated.
12.3. At the Company’s request, the Agreement may be suspended for a period not exceeding 10 (ten) calendar days. The basis for suspension of the Agreement shall be the written consent of the Organization to the Company’s request, containing the terms of suspension and the procedure for resuming the Agreement.
12.4. The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Organization without observing the deadlines specified in paragraph 12.2 hereof in the event of a refusal by payment services and the acquiring bank to service the Payments and Payouts of the Company, regardless of the reason for such refusal, as well as in the event of a violation by the Company of the subparagraphs specified in paragraph 4.3 hereof.
12.5. The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Organization without observing the deadlines specified in paragraph 12.2 hereof, if, during the review of the transactions performed by the Company, suspicions arise that business relations under this Agreement are used by the Company for the purpose of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.
12.6. The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Company without observing the deadlines specified in paragraph 12.2 hereof, in the event of a violation by the Organization of the obligations specified in paragraph 4.1 of the Agreement, as well as in case of disagreement of the Company with amendments stipulated by clause 4.2.1 hereof.
12.7. In case of unilateral termination of the Agreement, the initiating Party shall send the
Agreement Termination Notice made in writing by mail with a delivery confirmation or by courier. The Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the day such notice is received by the other Party.
12.8. In case of unilateral termination of the Agreement, the Organization shall disconnect the Company from the System on the day the Party received the Agreement Termination Notice.
13. Dispute resolution procedure
13.1. The Parties agree that all disputes arising under this Agreement will be resolved extrajudicially through negotiations.
13.2. The claim procedure is mandatory. Claim letters are sent by the Parties by courier or by registered mail with notification of delivery of the latter to the addressee at the location of the Parties specified in Section 15 of the Agreement (Details of the Parties).
13.3. The Parties shall not be permitted to send claim letters in a manner other than that specified in paragraph 13.2 of the Agreement.
13.4. The period for the claim letter consideration is 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of receipt by the addressee.
13.5. In case of failure to resolve the disputes that have arisen through negotiations, such disputes shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14. Miscellaneous
14.1. The present Agreement shall be governed by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14.2. All changes and amendments hereto shall be made in writing with drawing up Supplementary Agreement and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.
14.3. The Parties do not have any accompanying oral agreements. The content of the Agreement fully corresponds to the actual expression of will of the Parties.
14.4. All correspondence on the subject of the Agreement preceding its conclusion shall lose legal force from the date of conclusion of the Agreement and shall not be used for the purposes of interpreting the terms of this Agreement.
14.5. The Parties acknowledge that if any provision of the Agreement becomes invalid during its term due to a change in legislation, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall be binding on the Parties during the term of the Agreement.
14.6. The Company hereby gives its consent to the collection and processing of personal data for the purpose of the Organization providing services to the Company, as well as to the transfer and cross-border transfer of personal data of the Company in accordance with the regulatory legislation. The Company shall confirm the consent of personal data subjects to the collection and processing of personal data, as well as to the transfer and cross-border transfer of personal data, including holders of bank (payment) cards whose personal data are contained in the documents and information received by the Organization from the Company, to the processing and transfer of such personal data in accordance with the regulatory legislation specified herein.
14.7. The Agreement is drawn up in English, in 2 (two) identical copies, having equal legal force, 1 (one) for each Party.
14.8. The following Appendices are attached to the Agreement and represent an integral part thereof:
• Appendix 1: Questionnaire for connection (KYC);
• Appendix 2: Payment methods and remuneration rates;
• Appendix 3: Payment registers.
15. Location and details of the Parties
Freedom Payments JSC
INN: 305614419
Address: Tashkent,
Mirabad district, T. Shevchenko Str., 21A, Office 301
Settlement account: 20208000900894375001 at Universal Bank, Tashkent branch
MFO: 00996 OKED: 63110
First manager Full name
Stamp Here
TIN: ___
Address: ___
Settlement account: ___
in ___
MFO: ___
OKED: ___
First manager Full name
Stamp Here
Appendix 1 to the Agreement for the Provision of Services in the Freedom Pay System
No. __________ dated __________ ____ 202_
Information on the Merchant’s management
Information on the Merchant’s management
Full name
ID card
issued by
date of issue
Affiliation with public official*
Information on shareholders/participants who have or hold more than 10% of voting shares/interests in the authorized capital
Legal name
Share of participation (in %)
State registration No.
Affiliation with public official
Information about the beneficial owner of the Merchant as a legal entity
Information about affiliated companies
Full name
Date of birth
ID card
issued by
date of issue
Registration address/legal address
Actual place of residence
Share (%)
Affiliation with public official
Legal name
Legal address
Name of the Online Store
Website address (URL)/link (AppStore, PlayMarket)
Availability of a store (if yes, please provide the address)
Description of activity
- other types of activity (if any)
- work experience (years)
- average monthly turnover
- number of transactions per month
- description of the goods/services/works delivery scheme
Main contact person
- Full name
- Phone
- E-mail
Merchant's Bank Details
Bank name
- Settlement account
* Public official.
I hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided in the Questionnaire for connection (KYC), and confirm that I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the Agreement on connection to the Freedom Pay System, posted on the freedompay.uz Internet resource.
Additional information on individual commission rates is provided in the Merchant's Personal Account in the "Settings" – "Payment Systems" section.